android - Populating a listview with images from the SD card (not a set amount of items in list) -

basically i'm trying make contact list 1 provided android. when populating listview items, using simplecursoradapter can names appear in of each item:

private void filldata() {         mcursor = mdbadapter.fetchallcontacts();         startmanagingcursor(mcursor);         string[] = new string[] {dbadapter.key_name};         int[] = new int[] {};         simplecursoradapter contacts = new simplecursoradapter(this, r.layout.contact_view, mcursor, from, to);         this.setlistadapter(contacts);     } 

something that. i've searched , found sample code both getting images online, or displaying set number of images in items (for instance know have 5 items 5 matching images). don't know i'd begin on getting images sd card, , displaying them in proper item. images named according id of contact, have means call proper image.

a push in right direction appreciated, thank you!

edit: @jeff gilfelt gave great answer, went ahead , spoke when saying figure out rest on own... haha. have default image declared in xml contacts android does. when implement new adapter, compresses items nothing, figure because finds empty bitmap @ location. did following:

@override public void setviewimage(imageview v, string id) {     file root = environment.getexternalstoragedirectory();     file path = new file(root, "path/images/thumbs/"+id+".jpg");      if(path.exists()) {         bitmap bitmap = bitmapstatic.getthumb(id);         v.setimagebitmap(bitmap);     }     else {         super.setviewimage(v, id);     } } 

but doesn't either. ideas?

edit2: figured out above problem. go this:

    else {         resources res = mcontext.getresources();         drawable drawable = res.getdrawable(r.drawable.default);         v.setimagedrawable(drawable);     } 

hope helps others! remember solution have add context member var, , line mcontext = context in constructor.

create subclass of simplecursoradaptor , override setviewimage method such constructs path appropriate file on sd card id feed it, use bitmapfactory.decodefile create bitmap use image view binding to:

public class mysimplecursoradapter extends simplecursoradapter {      public mysimplecursoradapter(context context, int layout, cursor c,         string[] from, int[] to) {         super(context, layout, c, from, to);     }      @override     public void setviewimage(imageview v, string id) {          string path = "/path/to/sd/card/" + id + ".png";         bitmap b = bitmapfactory.decodefile(path);         v.setimagebitmap(b);      }  } 

then add contact id cursor , view id of imageview to/from arrays pass adapter. example:

private void filldata() {     mcursor = mdbadapter.fetchallcontacts();     startmanagingcursor(mcursor);     string[] = new string[] {dbadapter.key_name,};     int[] = new int[] {,};     mysimplecursoradapter contacts =          new mysimplecursoradapter(this, r.layout.contact_view, mcursor, from, to);     this.setlistadapter(contacts); } 


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