sql server - How to split string using delimiter char using T-SQL? -

i have long string in 1 of columns of table. want specific information:- table structure:-

col1 = '123' col2 = 'aaaaa' col3 = 'clent id = 4356hy|client name = b b bob|client phone = 667-444-2626|client fax = 666-666-0151|info = inf8888877 -mac333330554/444400800' 

my select statement is:-

select col1, col2, col3 table01 

but in col3 need 'client name's value 'b b bob'.

in col3 -

  • column delimiter '|' pipe char (eg. 'client id = 4356hy')

  • key value delimiter ' = ' equal sign 1 white space (leading , trailing).

please help.

for specific data, can use

select col1, col2, ltrim(rtrim(substring(     stuff(col3, charindex('|', col3,     patindex('%|client name =%', col3) + 14), 1000, ''),     patindex('%|client name =%', col3) + 14, 1000))) col3 table01 

edit - charindex vs patindex


select col3='clent id = 4356hy|client name = b b bob|client phone = 667-444-2626|client fax = 666-666-0151|info = inf8888877 -mac333330554/444400800' t1m master..spt_values cross join master..spt_values b a.number < 100 -- (711704 row(s) affected)  set statistics time on  dbcc dropcleanbuffers dbcc freeproccache select a=charindex('|client name =', col3) #tmp1 t1m drop table #tmp1  dbcc dropcleanbuffers dbcc freeproccache select a=patindex('%|client name =%', col3) #tmp2 t1m drop table #tmp2  set statistics time off 


charindex:   sql server execution times (1):    cpu time = 5656 ms,  elapsed time = 6418 ms.  sql server execution times (2):    cpu time = 5813 ms,  elapsed time = 6114 ms.  sql server execution times (3):    cpu time = 5672 ms,  elapsed time = 6108 ms.  patindex:   sql server execution times (1):    cpu time = 5906 ms,  elapsed time = 6296 ms.  sql server execution times (2):    cpu time = 5860 ms,  elapsed time = 6404 ms.  sql server execution times (3):    cpu time = 6109 ms,  elapsed time = 6301 ms. 


the timings charindex , patindex 700k calls within 3.5% of each other, don't think matter whichever used. use them interchangeably when both can work.


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