objective c - iOS Programming with Web database interface -

i programming in obj-c x-code , want create project able pull information database have created in website.

i understand can safely , done mobile web application. ideas how on how parse database objective-c , x-code ?

please reply.

thanks , regards, -venkat

if i'm not mistaken ios sdk can not connect directly database. way send out post request using asihttp class , parse returned data website. read documentation here. example of how use 1 of own applications:

nsurl *url = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"yoursite.com/page.php"]; asiformdatarequest *request = [asiformdatarequest requestwithurl:url]; [request setpostvalue:variable1 forkey:@"key1"]; [request setpostvalue:variable2 forkey:@"key2"]; [request setpostvalue:variable3 forkey:@"key3"]; [request setdelegate:self];  [request startasynchronous]; 

you catch result following code:

- (void)requestfinished:(asihttprequest *)request {     nserror *error = [request error]; if (!error) {     nsstring *response = [request responsestring];     //do parsing here } } 

don't forget include required files , classes app. it's explained in documentation.

hope helps bit!


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