How to iterate over multilevel hash in perl -

my $app = "info"; %records; for($i = 0; $i<5; $i++) {  push@{$records{$app}{"id"}},$i;  push@{$records{$app}{"score"}}, $i+4; } 

so there 5 ids [0,1,2,3,4,5] , 5 scores .my question how iterate on each id , corresponding score ...please me ..basically want print result in way

id score 0   4 1   5 2   6 3   7 4   8  5   9 

printf "id\tscore\n"; $app (keys %records) {     $apprecordref = $records{$app};     %apprecord = %$apprecordref;      $idlen = scalar(@{$apprecord{"id"}});     ($i = 0; $i < $idlen; $i++) {         printf "%d\t%d\n", $apprecord{"id"}[$i], $apprecord{"score"}[$i];     } } 

id  score 0    4 1    5 2    6 3    7 4    8 

or here different way of doing think bit easier:

my $app = "info"; %records; (my $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {     # $records{$app} list of hashes, e.g.     # $records{info}[0]{id}     push @{$records{$app}}, {id=>$i, score=>$i+4}; }  printf "id\tscore\n"; $app (keys %records) {     @apprecords = @{$records{$app}};      $apprecordref (@apprecords) {         %apprecord = %$apprecordref;         printf "%d\t%d\n", $apprecord{"id"}, $apprecord{"score"};     } } 


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