How to check if a remote file is writable using python Paramiko (SSHClient)? -

i trying check if remote file writable or not using paramiko. current code

from paramiko.ssh_exception import sshexception, badhostkeyexception  import paramiko import sys optparse import optionparser import os  stdin, stdout, stderr = self.__econnection.exec_command('bash'); stdin.write('if [ -w "%s" ];'%(temp_path)) stdin.write("then echo true;"); stdin.write("else echo false;"); stdin.write("fi;"); stdin.flush(); 

but execute these lines, shell gets stuck , have close shell. please help..

assuming ssh paramiko sshclient object, temp_path path file under test, , connection setup try following:

# prepare command command = 'if [ -w {filename} ]; echo true; else echo false; fi;' # add filename command = command.format(filename=temp_path) # execute command stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command(command) # read result stdout , remove trailing newline character result = stdout.readline().rstrip() print(result) 


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