What are the available string matching algorithms besides Knuth-Morris-Pratt, Rabin-Karp and likes of it? -

what available string matching algorithms besides knuth-morris-pratt, rabin-karp , likes of it?

a cited compendium of these algorithms can found in:


included following algorithms:

karp-rabin  shift or  morris-pratt  knuth-morris-pratt simon  colussi  galil-giancarlo  apostolico-crochemore not naive  forward dawg matching   boyer-moore  turbo-bm  apostolico-giancarlo  reverse colussi  horspool  quick search  tuned boyer-moore zhu-takaoka  berry-ravindran  smith  raita  reverse factor  turbo reverse factor  backward oracle matching  

plus 15 others.

btw, might want clarify if interested in string similarity algorithms (e.g., levenshtein distance, etc), closely related, if indeed interested in that.


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