PHP's imagecreatefromstring function not working on Amazon Linux Server -

i have created script in have create image @ runtime using 64bitencoded string .i m using imagecreatefromstring function of php works in windows xampp based php , not on cloud side applications deployed on amazon cloud running suse version of linux.

can u give me suggestion overcome problem. or there other function capable create image encoded string passed it.

thanks in adv

i using following code

<?php          require ('../dbconfig/dbconfig.php');      $gameid = $_post["gameid"];     $username = $_post['email'];     $imagedata =  $_post['imagedata'];      $uploaddir = './../blogdata/i/';       $countsql =  mysql_query("select  max(_id) filename  blog_data ");      while($rowcommentdata = mysql_fetch_assoc($countsql))     {         $num = $rowcommentdata["filename"];         $file = ++$num.".png";         $filedb = $uploaddir .$file;     }      /* $imagedata= 'ivborw0kggoaaaansuheugaaabwaaaascamaaab/2u7waaaabl'                . 'bmveuaaad///+l2z/daaaasuleqvr4xqwquqoaiaxc2/0vxzdr'                . 'ex4ijtrkb7lobnustxsb0jixiamssqnwlsv+wulf4avk9flq2r'                . '8a5hse35q3eo2xp1a1wqkzsgetvdtkdqaaaabjru5erkjggg==';*/      $imagedata= base64_decode($imagedata);      if(($img = @imagecreatefromstring($imagedata)) !== false)      {              if(imagepng($img,$filedb))             {                            imagedestroy($img);                      $sql="insert blog_data (game_id,text,type,username)".                                    "values('$gameid','$file','i','$username')";                      $result=mysql_query($sql);                      if($result == 1)                     {                         echo $file;                      }                     else                     {                         echo "error2";                     }             }              else {                 echo "error1";             }                                   }     else     {           echo "error0";     } 


by running php info there got information enter image description here

the php needs have libgd extension installed , loaded. check phpinfo() if it's there. can install via yum. package should called php5-gd


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