performance - Is Parallel code good for web based applications? -

possible duplicate:
using parallel extensions in web applications

since cpus aren't getting faster getting more cores, parallel way go better performance on desktop applications, not sure if same true web based applications.

web servers have spin lots of threads handle of web requests, coding application in parallel fashion (say sorting, searching, etc algorithms) performance or hurt it?

i'm particularly using think question valid platform.

i going make assumption operation considering parallelizing needs completed synchronously(sorting, searching) : in case not sure mean better performance degrade performance. below reasoning why. take example environment app running on server hosts 20+ other web applications. if in 1 thread server process @ 1 go , return results. if split in parallel threads of threads might finish others potentially stuck behind threads other applications. total response time slower though number of cpu cycles close same.

however, if operation can completed asynchronously(relatively heavy calculation, optimization algorithm display) suggest looking @ splitting multiple requests on client side , firing of several ajax requests served different web servers in parallel (in load balanced web farm) , mashing results on client side.

hope helps!


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