How do I select random rows in MySQL? -

mytable  pid name field === ==== ===== 1    a1   0 2    a2   1 3    a3   1 4    a4   0    5    a5   0 

this table structure. here want select randomly 4 rows use rand() mysql function in query questions

how pair rows. mean, wanna select pid 2 , 3 1 ofter another. need in bellow order. i don't want break pair a2 a3

a1 a2 a3 a4 or a2 a3 a4 a1 or a2 a3 a4 a5 or a4 a5 a2 a3 , etc

i used query below it's not working me

select * mytable order rand() asc limit 0,4 

turbod close answer, ordering randomly, when seems wanted order pid, after getting random rows wanted in conjunction ones concerning a2 , a3:

(     select *     `mytable`              name ='a2' or          name ='a3'     limit 2 ) union (     select distinct *     `mytable`              name !='a2' or          name !='a3'     order rand( ) limit 2 )  order `pid` 


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