cakephp - Create aro/aco having an aro and an aco -

i'm trying implement pdf functionality application. so, added new actions in controllers (like 'viewpdf'). after this, rebuild acl tree build_acl action (from mark story tutorial automated tool creating acos ). so, can see mysql new node created. until this, fine. try test viewpdf button, , 'you not authorized access location.' error (even being admin). check error.log file , see warning:

> aco: controllers/specializations/viewpdf in [/usr/share/php/cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php, line 273] 2011-02-24 11:40:34 warning: warning (512): dbacl::check() - failed aro/aco node lookup in permissions check.  node references: aro: array (     [user] => array         (             [id] => 1             [email] =>             [group_id] => 1         )  )  aco: controllers/specializations/viewpdf in [/usr/share/php/cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php, line 273] 

then check aros_acos table in database , see there's no 'viewpdf' aco related node, there's aro, aco, not aro_aco, suppose reason why i'm getting error.

¿are suppositions right? if are, how create aro_aco? i'm afraid break if manually...

thanks in advance,



if have aro , aco no connection between these means of entries in aco_aro table, means have not set permissions aros have on acos.

proceed this:

/*  * copied tutorial, , modified, function initializes per-  * missions accessing controller actions.  */   function initdb() {     $group =& $this->user->group;      // d m n s     $group->id = 3;          $this->acl->allow($group, 'controllers');      // m n g e r s     $group->id = 2;     $this->acl->deny($group, 'controllers');     $this->acl->allow($group, 'controllers/items','*'); ... ... 

once have set such initdb function, have run once calling browser. if not suffice on track, go on basic auth/acl tutorial again. yours, benjamin.

edit 1: 1 of crucial points call parent::beforefilter() in beforefilter() methods of self-defined controllers , setting app_controller. if these tips not help, time-efficient way go on acl/auth tutorial very carefully, starting fresh cake environment. once can , running there, confident in app.

edit 2: , don't afraid throw out acl/auth related of app. sounds daunting, can safe lot of debugging headaches/time.

p.s.: btw there should moderately usable acl/auth plugins @ bakery , 1 @ sourceforge.


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