autocomplete - How to use more than one jQuery AutoSuggest on a single page? -

i can use autosuggest jquery plugin on page... how create more 1 of them on single page? don't understand syntax on this site example:

$(function(){     $("div.someclass input").autosuggest(data);     $("#someid input").autosuggest(other_data); }); 

what mean?

it hard say, beacuse not clear not understand. anyway, select inputs via css-like selector

$('css selector here') 

and call method autosuggest on it, like

$('css selector here').autosuggest(); 

if want more 1 field, repeat.

$('css selector here').autosuggest(); $('another css selector here').autosuggest(); 

you can pass object storing options parameter autosuggest.


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