ActionView::TemplateError (Missing template) In ruby on rails -

i running ror application (rails 2.3.8, ruby 1.8.7), application runs fine on local machine. on production logs show following error:

actionview::templateerror (missing template folder/_file_name.erb in view path app/views) on line #19 of app/views/layouts/main.rhtml: 19:     <%= render :partial => "folder/file_name" -%> 

the file name exists folder/_file_name.html.erb, tried reproduce problem on production environment didnt have luck, reason rails application asks folder/_file_name.erb @ times while other times searches right file folder/_file_name.html.erb.

could explain me going on?

the same occurs .rhtml files, rails application requests .erb @ times while others right .rhtml file


<%= render :partial => "shared/meta_tags" -%> <%= render :partial => "shared/common_resources" -%> <%= render :partial => 'shared/ads/oas' -%> 

any pointers on issue helpful, in advance

whats format of request?, first template (folder/_file_name.html.erb) correct if request format html, not if ajax or other custom type have in app. 1 quick soluction rename folder/_file_name.erb if want use same partial formats


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