visual studio - VS Team: A concrete example of the use of the TestContext property using Microsoft Unit Testing Framework? -

while writing tests week new project, encountered testcontext property using microsoft unit testing framework available visual studio team system.

i wondering:

1. how property used concretely?

2. in other words, purpose?

3. has concrete example provide ease understanding?

i have written many tests far in career, , have never ever found use particular property.

any clue anyone?

thanks in advance! =)

this property can used run parametrized tests, if have constants don't want hardcode in test project want load , share among tests. default populated useful information, path test running.

then 1 of key run same test several times different values. mstest framework can used link test project database or csv file , run tests once rows in said db. called data driven testing , you'll find many sample on net. here one how to.


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