templates - custom toolbar for sharepoint list -

i try implement custom viewtoolbar list template. create customdefaulttemplate.ascx file under /templates/controltemplates. code in customdefaulttemplate.ascx:

<....> <%@ register tagprefix="customsurvey" assembly="hiderespondtosurvey, version=, culture=neutral, publickeytoken=1d6553d11ff33f7e" namespace="hiderespondtosurvey.code"%> <sharepoint:renderingtemplate id="customviewtoolbar" runat="server">     <template>         <wssuc:toolbar cssclass="ms-menutoolbar" enableviewstate="false" id="toolbartbl" buttonseparator="<img src='/_layouts/images/blank.gif' alt='' />" rightbuttonseparator="&#160;&#160;&#160;" runat="server">             <template_buttons>                 <customsurvey:surveymenu runat="server"></customsurvey:surveymenu>             </template_buttons>             <template_rightbuttons>                   <sharepoint:pagingbutton runat="server"/>                   <sharepoint:listviewselector runat="server"/>             </template_rightbuttons>         </wssuc:toolbar>     </template> </sharepoint:renderingtemplate> 

i create class surveymenu inherit microsoft.sharepoint.webcontrols.newmenu , in createchildcontrols() placed logic. in list schema template under "view" set toolbartemplate="customviewtoolbar". list survey list, has addition fields , event receivers logic. has unique type in listtemplate definition. deploy list using feature, create list instance on site toolbar isn't appear. create toolbar using methods described here , here, doesn't work.

may can take useful resources topic, or make assumption why may not work. thanks.

have looked possibly creating custom actions on ui ribbon? have done few things , can make apply lists, lists specify, , don't have go through pain of creating , placing web parts on pages.


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