php - Wordpress Widget Show Pages within Pages -

i'm looking wordpress widget (or code snippet) when displayed on page display sub pages.


page set 1  --- page 1  --- page 2 page set 2  --- page 3 

so if places on page set 1 display page 1 , 2

any suggestions?

if understand query correctly, don't need plugin. try pasting sidebar.php file of theme after opening <ul> tag.

<?php // subpage support       $children = wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of='.$post->id.'&echo=0&depth=1');       if ($children) { ?>       <li>       <h2>more</h2>       <ul>       <?php echo $children; ?>       </ul>       </li> <? } ?> 

if haven't already, might create child theme protect changes future upgrades.


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