Excel - Counting unique values that meet multiple criteria -

i'm trying use function count number of unique cells in spreadsheet that, @ same time, meet multiple criteria.

given following example:

a        b       c quant    store#  product 1        75012   banana 5                orange 6        56089   orange 3        89247   orange 7        45321   orange 2                apple 4        45321   apple 

in example above, need know how many unique stores valid store# have received oranges or apples. in case above, result should 3 (stores 56089, 89247 , 45321).

this how started try solving problem:


the above formula yield number of unique stores valid store#, not ones have received oranges or apples. how can add criteria?

mine done different way (and works), main reason posting because wondering if second part of formula somehow made array formula making shorter.

to this, sort 3 columns on column b smallest largest , since part of array formula, type in formula , [ctrl]+[shift]+[enter]. sorted data looks this:

      b       c quant   store#  product   7   45321   orange   4   45321   apple   6   56089   orange   1   75012   banana   3   89247   orange   5           orange   2           apple 

and formula is:


the first part (in curly braces) pretty self-explanatory:


what interested in trying see if second part can expressed array formula. had come with


but seems counting "banana" legit entry reason. therefore, had go entering elements in 2nd part manually rather use array formula. have ideas how done?


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