Delphi Ansistrings -

i have case here, going migrate on delphi 2011 xe delphi 7, , surprise many components have problems due ansistrings, in delphi xe japanese / chinese characters, unit use pcsc connector , seem discontinued/abandoned original developper.

basically want easy way read strings again little modification original code possible..

also if there tutorials out there on how makae components ansistring ready 2009 , newer me also

@plastkort, delphi >= 2009 capable of reading , handling ansistring. meaningless characters if somehow hard-cast ansi data unicode, possibly hard-casting pointer pchar.

if had convert else's code unicode i'd start searching pchar, char , string , looking @ places other types hard casted types. that's because types changed meaning: in non-unicode delphi char 1 byte, it's 2 bytes.

the conversion isn't necessary difficult, need understand problem you're facing , need have understanding of code you're converting. , it's lot of work, when dealing code did "smart things strings".


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