android - ProgressDialog shown behind another dialog -

my custom dialog has list takes long time obtain. load in separate thread launched in onpreparedialog using asynctask. prior calling asynctask.execute invoke progressdialog. problem when dialog called first time (oncreatedialog invoked), progressdialog shown behind (empty) dialog. how can show progressdialog in hr front? when dialog dismissed , shown again, display order correct.

public class myactivity extends activity { fileselectdlg fileselectdlg = null; layoutinflater inflater; arraylist<string> filelist;   @override public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {      inflater = layoutinflater.from(this); } @override protected dialog oncreatedialog( int id )  {     fileselectdlg = new fileselectdlg( );     return fileselectdlg; } @override     protected synchronized void onpreparedialog( int id, dialog dialog ) {     fileselectdlg.update_dlg_view( -1 ); }  public class fileselectdlg extends dialog {     private context                 context;     private baseadapter             adapter;      public fileselectdlg( context context ) {         super(context);         this.context = context;          view content = inflater.inflate( r.layout.file_select, null );         setcontentview( content );          adapter = new baseadapter() {             @override             public int getcount() {                 if( filelist != null )                     return filelist.size();                 return 0;             }             @override             public object getitem(int position) {                 return position;             }             @override             public long getitemid(int position) {                 return position;             }             @override             public view getview( int position, view convertview, viewgroup parent ) {                 textview textview;                 if (convertview == null) {                     convertview = inflater.inflate(r.layout.file_select_item, null);                     textview = (textview) convertview.findviewbyid(;                     convertview.settag(textview);                 } else {                     textview = (textview)convertview.gettag();                 }                 if( filelist != null ) {                     textview.settext( filelist.get( position ) );                 }                 return convertview;             }         };          listview listview = (listview)findviewbyid( );         listview.setadapter(adapter);         listview.setonitemclicklistener( new onitemclicklistener() {             @override             public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> parent, view view, int clicked, long id ) {                 update_dlg_view( clicked );             }         });     }     public void update_dlg_view( int clicked ) {         int option = option_get_list;         string item = null;         if( clicked >= 0 ) {             item = filelist.get( clicked );             fileselector.setdir(item);         }          final progressdialog progressdialog = new progressdialog( context );         progressdialog.setmessage( "wait..." );         progressdialog.setcancelable(false);;          new asynctask<integer, integer, long>() {             protected long doinbackground( integer... _option ) {                 long option = _option[0];                 filelist = fileselector.getlist();                 return option;             }             @override             protected void onpostexecute( long option ) {                 progressdialog.dismiss();                 fileselectdlg.this.settitle( fileselector.getcurrentpath() );                 adapter.notifydatasetchanged();             }         }.execute(option);     } } 

try calling asynctask.execute inside oncreatedialog custom dialogue.


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