android - How do you store the contents of a POJO in the preference store? -

i looking find way store value of pojo (containing strings, booleans, ints) in preference variable can retrieve key used when store it. pojo contains many string / boolean / int attributes, don't want store them each individually. problem i'm running preference variable types string, boolean, float, , int. there way convert pojo string retrieve per it's key , convert pojo, sort of casting it> 1) populate pojo 2) convert pojo string 3) store string in preference store key value (normal preference store stuff) 4) when needed, retrieve data preference store string , convert pojo.

not elegant solution but:

bytearrayoutputstream outputstream = new bytearrayoutputstream(); objectoutputstream = new objectoutputstream(outputstream); objectoutputstream.writeobject(instance); objectoutputstream.flush(); val = base64.encodebase64string(outputstream.tobytearray())); 

to deserialise:

byte[] data = base64.decodebase64(datastr); objectinputstream objectinputstream = null; try {      bytearrayinputstream inputstream = new bytearrayinputstream(data);      objectinputstream = new objectinputstream(inputstream);      return (t)objectinputstream.readobject(); } {      if (objectinputstream != null)         objectinputstream.close(); } 

where t object type.


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