sql - Identify Row as having changes excluding changes in certain columns -

within our business rules, need track when row designated being changed. table contains multiple columns designated non-relevant per our business purposes (such date entered field, timestamp, reviewed bit field, or received bit field). table has many columns , i'm trying find elegant way determine if of relevant fields have changed , record entry in auditing table (entering pk value of row - pk cannot edited). don't need know column changed (although nice down road).

i able accomplish through stored procedure, ugly sp using following syntax update (or statements shortened considerably post):

insert [tblsourcedatachange] (pkvalue)     select d.pkvalue     deleted d inner join inserted on d.pkvalue=i.pkvalue     (    i.[f440] <> d.[f440]           or i.[f445] <> d.[f445]           or i.[f450] <> d.[f450]) 

i'm trying find generic way designated ignore fields , stored proc still work if added additional relevant fields table. non-relevant fields not change whereas relevant fields tend little more dynamic.

have @ change data capture. new feature in sql server 2008.

first enable cdc on database:

exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_db

then can enable on specific tables, , specify columns track:

exec sys.sp_cdc_enable_table     @source_schema = 'dbo',     @source_name = 'xxx',     @supports_net_changes = 1,     @role_name = null,      @captured_column_list = n'xxx1,xxx2,xxx3' 

this creates change table named cdc.dbo_xxx. changes made records in table recorded in table.


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