iphone - UIWebView loadData and iWork Files -

i attempting open iwork 10 numbers file placed on web site uiwebview. tried following, , happens uiwebview loads blank. if download file local documents folder , load in uiwebview works. i'd read iwork file without downloading them...

fyi, have no issues pdf, ppt, doc, xls...

can tell me how load iwork file nsdata uiwebview?

[webview loaddata:receiveddata      mimetype:file.mediamimetype      textencodingname:nil      baseurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:pathtofile]  ]; 

the tested values mediamimetype are:

  • application/vnd.apple.numbers
  • application/x-iwork-numbers-sffnumbers

you need compress iwork file .zip extension display in webview.

refer link detail:



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