exception handling - How can I find out the result of sending a MadExcept bug report from a Delphi app -

i can't find way of determining whether possible send bug report d2006 app. if madexcept can make sort of return code available can maybe provide guidance user might wrong.

the problem madexcept can't reasonably determine that. there's whole chain of things can go wrong after madexcept sends email. exception if madexcept can't build report or there's immediate problem sending email.

  • email client comes message, user doesn't hit send
  • email client broken or misconfigured
  • smtp host broken, down or missing
  • your client on rbl subscribe (perhaps unknowingly)
  • your client's domain on rbl or otherwise blocked
  • your mail system hiccups , lose email

the best can madexcept "no exception thrown, sending might have gone ok".


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