Config file parser in Fortran -

i able use simple configuration file pass parameters program. configuration file consist of list of arguments values can of different types (integer, real, logical, list of words, etc.).

here example of configuration able parse in simple way:

! first comment param1 = 1234; param2 = true;                    ! second comment  param3 = abc def ghi jkl mno                 pqr stu vwx yz;  ! type of instruction,  ! i.e. specify var1-var3 depend on var4-var10: var1 var2 var3 ~ var4 var5 var6                  var7 var8 var9 var10; 

line breaks allowed, , different types of instructions passed program.

i aware namelist somehow allow (except last part of config file in example), not appear flexible enough needs. instance, don't think allows insert comments in configuration file.

i found many libraries in c , c++ offering such configuration file parser, quite surprisingly, nothing in fortran. know of such library?

thanks in advance help!

we have library called aotus, allows usage of lua scripts configuration files in fortran applications: aotus might useful you.


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