WPF ComboBox Binding to Enumeration -

i have combo box has itemssource bound enumeration using objectdataprovider, , selecteditem property bound property of businessobject. reason it's binding selecteditem first , itemssource second, therefore overwriting default on businessobject property. ideas why , possibly fix? in advance.


<collectionviewsource x:key="units">      <collectionviewsource.source>           <objectdataprovider methodname="getnames" objecttype="{x:type sys:enum}">                <objectdataprovider.methodparameters>                     <x:type typename="bo:unit"/>                </objectdataprovider.methodparameters>           </objectdataprovider>      </collectionviewsource.source> </collectionviewsource>  <combobox grid.column="1" horizontalalignment="right" width="80"           itemssource="{binding source={staticresource units}}"            selecteditem="{binding path=unit}"/> 

i tried code , it's working fine don't think order of bindings problem. 1 thing noticed you're using getnames methodname objectdataprovider combobox itemssource collection of strings , not of enum unit. if intention property unit should of type string


public class namesviewmodel {     public namesviewmodel(string unit)     {         unit = unit;     }     public string unit     {         get;         set;     } } 

if change getnames getvalues it'll work property of enum type unit


public class valuesviewmodel {     public valuesviewmodel(unit unit)     {         unit = unit;     }     public unit unit     {         get;         set;     } } 


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