themes - Multiple alternate stylesheets -

suppose site configurable, , has few orthogonal settings controlled alternate stylesheets. example, main menu can @ top or on left, , background colour can red or blue.

is there way define multiple sets of alternate stylesheets can replace 'theme' each set?

i'm looking this:

<link rel="stylesheet" set="background" title="red" /> <link rel="alternate stylesheet" set="background" title="blue" /> <link rel="stylesheet" set="main-menu" title="left" /> <link rel="alternate stylesheet" set="main-menu" title="top" /> 

no can't that. 3 ways are:

  • have set of sheets on server, , serve correct one
  • use inline css
  • combination of both. load unchangable classes in external css, use inline style sheet set customisable values.


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