php - How to pull numbers from a string with curly brackets? -

i have test string this:


i want break string 3 variables. example, 40{1}2 should split 40 1 2. string big 2034{345}1245. assume regex best way split string.

here's have far:

$productid = preg_match('/(.*?){/', $product); $productoptionid = preg_match('/{(.*?)}/', $product); $optionvalueid = preg_match('/}(.*?)/', $product); 

no need regular expressions here:

$str = '40{1}2';  sscanf($str, '%d{%d}%d', $part_1, $part_2, $part_3); // $part_1 equal: 40 // $part_2 equal: 1 // $part_3 equal: 2 

with method, variables typecast integers.


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