Phishing And CSS position:absolute -

how css position:absolute rule helps phishing?

can me out, i'm confused :(

look section called "overriding page content" here.

it's not absolute positioning "helps" phishing, not more cars "help" drunk driving. tool can used malicious purposes.

for example, you're running website users can login , post comments. don't sanitize input , output , user determines can post pure html content heart's content. decides craft post includes absolute-positioned div mimics login form identically , positioned on top of it, obscuring form. new form posts login credentials his site instead of yours, , redirects users page.

the users, not suspecting has changed, enter login credentials. they're presented same page again. maybe try again, maybe click on "forgot password," maybe give up, etc. either way, has login credentials. did of users register on site same credentials use login email? employer? bank?

basically, combination of insecure website , crafted absolutely-positioned content compromised users.


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