jQuery UI weirdness -

i'm new jquery keen learn. because of i'm using jsfiddle have play , see can done - nothing serious, playing animation, etc.. specifically, ability animate between 2 classes.

getting point, can have @ , let me know why need .delay work?


$('div').click(function() {         if ($(this).hasclass('clicked')) {         $(this).delay(1).removeclass('clicked', 5000, 'easeinelastic');     } else {         $(this).delay(1).addclass('clicked', 5000, 'easeinelastic');     } }); 

so far can tell, should able rid of 2 .delays, when do, doesn't work.

let's simplify things.

non-animated version (jsfiddle):

$('div').click(function() {     $(this).toggleclass('clicked'); }); 

correctly animated version (jsfiddle)
correctly animated version (jsbin)

$('div').click(function() {     $(this).toggleclass('clicked', 5000, 'easeinelastic'); }); 

the code works on jsbin not jsfiddle - there's wonky jsfiddle. it's not code.
avoid jsfiddle tooling around jqueryui, since don't play nicely together.


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