iphone - How can I change the speed of the keyboard slide in/out animation? -

i confuse small test app.when on textfield keyboard comes want increase keyboard time.can tell me how can increase time of keyboard , down?

the speed of system keyboard can retrieved via uikeyboardanimationdurationuserinfokey , read-only.

update: how values. in notification listener:

- (void)keyboardwillshow:(nsnotification*)notification  {     nsdictionary* userinfo = [notification userinfo];     nstimeinterval animationduration;     uiviewanimationcurve animationcurve;      [[userinfo objectforkey:uikeyboardanimationcurveuserinfokey] getvalue:&animationcurve];     [[userinfo objectforkey:uikeyboardanimationdurationuserinfokey] getvalue:&animationduration]; } 


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