How to get the latest document created by category in View using lotus notes -

how latest document created category in view using lotus notes @formula?

since using @formula language, assume need data document , not notesdocument object (for need write lotusscript).

if case, suggest using @dblookup function hidden view (view name surrounded in parentheses) first sorted column - category you'll use , second sorted column - function @created, sorted descending, first matching document most-recent one.

you can use @dblookup retrieve non rich-text field document, or pre-calculated value third (fourth, etc.) column (which include plain text, extracted rich-text field).

to sure access most-recently created document matches criteria, view need refresh automatically , need specify "nocache" in @dblookup. like:

@dblookup("":"nocache"; @dbname; "(mylookupview)"; "category"; 3) 

does achieve you're trying do?


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