datetime - How can I change timezones in a php date? -

i have date stored in database in format:

2011-02-23 13:00:00 

i need return in iso8601 format, needs set specific time zone (which not time zone of server.) want return this:


using code:

echo date(date_iso8601, strtotime("2011-02-23 13:00:00")); 

i this:


is there way reset time zone in date or strtotime function, or need strip off 5 rightmost characters , concatenate desired timezone stamp remaining date/time?

edited add: although did accept solution below of using new datetime , setting new datetimezone, found easier way if don't need keep resetting time zone:

date_default_timezone_set('america/chicago'); $starttime = date(date_iso8601, strtotime("2011-02-23 13:00:00")); 

you use datetime class. datetime objects can initialized specific time zone, , transposed others.

modified manual:

$date = new datetime('2011-02-23 13:00:00', new datetimezone('pacific/nauru')); echo $date->format('c') . "\n";  $date->settimezone( new datetimezone('europe/berlin')); echo $date->format('c') . "\n"; 


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