datasource - How do I call DSOperationType.REMOVE to remove the selected record from a drop-down grid? -

i trying delete selected record drop-down grid.

in trying this, i've far learned dsoperationtype.fetch called when fetchdata() method called on valuesmanager class. want know line should executed calling dsoperationtype.remove.

or there better way accomplish task?

dsoperationtype.remove called when removing data/row list grid or tree grid. can triggered functionally calling listgrid.removedata(somedata) or listgrid.removeselecteddata();

but combobox/selectbox (dropdown) type item there no functionality remove data list can selected list of data (while loading data list fetch operation called).

you can implement functionlity indirectly using combobox/selectitem listgrid - (ex: in listgrid can have remove data functionality. check other types of functionality can implemented combobx


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