c# - Do I need to worry about Process in foreach loop -

here piece of code, run through process , when finds right process, code sends message. question happened 'proc', how dispose process.

//get other (possible) running instances         process[] processes = process.getprocesses();                     foreach (process proc in processes)         {             if (proc.processname.tolower() == processname.tolower())             {                 sendmessage(proc.mainwindowhandle, (uint)message, intptr.zero, intptr.zero);             }                        } 

thanks in advance, harsha

in general terms don't need worry disposing or deallocating objects, unless object implements idisposable interface. if should either call dispose() method on manually when you're finished, or wrap using statement have called automatically:

using (var disposableobject = new disposabletype()) {     // work disposableobject } 


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