blackberry - How can use same listfield for displaying elements,and new elements will getwhenuser click on existing listfield elements -

in app, displaying listfield indefinte no of elements(the elements gets json returned webserver).

first app displays elements(item 1,item2,..),and user click in 1 of them.the same listfield object reloaded new elements.

since there variable no of elements switch-case in navigationclick willn't work.if 1 have idea please help.

the magic of list field lies on vector or array of object use represent each row. <p.s. expect understand , have pretty hands on experience on drawlistrow() method>

suppose have list level 1. show title(string) , subtitle(string). , on click of each item have list renders same data (again title , subtitle) , n levels rendering same.

if situation can 1 thing, change collection of list everytime. i.e. if use array, change contents of array. if use vector change vector.

if rendering of list row changes have 2 options, 1. can handle flags in same drawlistrow() method


  1. you have write new class , new drawlistrow() method

hope helps.


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