Automated Testing in Apache Hive -

i embark on project using apache hadoop/hive involve collection of hive query scripts produce data feeds various down stream applications. these scripts seem ideal candidates unit testing - represent fulfillment of api contract between data store , client applications, , such, it's trivial write expected results should given set of starting data. issue how run these tests.

if working sql queries, use sqllite or derby bring test databases, load test data , run collection of query tests against them. unfortunately, unaware of such tools hive. @ moment, best thought have test framework bring hadoop local instance , run hive against that, i've never done before , i'm not sure work, or right path.

also, i'm not interested in pedantic discussion if doing unit testing or integration testing - need able prove code works.

hive has special standalone mode, design testing purposes. in case can run without hadoop. think need. there link documentation:


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