javascript - How do I access a local variable dynamically (via a String form of its name) from a closure scope? -

this question has answer here:

in javascript, i'm used being able access variables within known namespace "dynamically" (correct me if i'm using wrong word here) using [] operator. instance (from global namespace):

var = 1; window['a']; # => 1 

or object-type namespace:

var = { b: 1 }; a['b']; # => 1 

and i'm familiar basics of how this determined:

var = function(){ return this['c']; }; var b = { c: 1 }; a.apply(b); # => 1; 

but within function itself, how access local variables i've instantiated (or redefined) using var?

namely, want following function call return 1 without calling a:

function(){   var = 1;   return a; } 

you can't use window['a'] because a defined locally, , can't use this['a'] because this changes depending on context function called.

in realistic setting, i'd refactor avoid dynamically creating , accessing local variables because it's bad idea anyway, academic question, i'm curious whether it's possible access a via string name @ all.

you're mixing local variables (which not properties of object) properties (which not local variables). there no answer question, or, rather, answer "it can't done".


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