iphone - MKMapView Cannot Zoom Map -

i created basic app shows mkmapview , userlocation. i'm having problems drawing base map (it shows pieces of map), , whenever pinch zoom map, fails redraw, , shows blank gray tiles. console shows whenever needs new map tile:

/sourcecache/googlemobilemaps/googlemobilemaps-263.5/googlenav/mac/loader.mm:231 server returned error: 502

this looks gateway error, doesn't make sense, since i'm using open wifi testing. haven't implemented region zooming code, want display , zoom basic map first. i'm using ios 4.2.1 (8c148), i'm wondering if problem newer ios versions? ideas?

edit: works fine now, must problem google's servers.

just started getting same error. i've searched online , can't see else having issue (yet). thought did, suspect @ google's end.


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