authentication - Persistant Login with connect-auth -

i'm building node.js , using connect-auth user/pass authentication, , i'd allow users logged in long periods of time. playing around , looking through source seems connect-auth depends on connect sessions maintain authenticated state, once session cookie expires (default 4 hrs) user gets logged out.

one option fork connect-auth , refactor not dependent on req.session, that's non-trivial. option change default age on session cookie high, want session object able die session.

anyone have suggestions? overlooking existing solution?


i wouldn't use/fork connect-auth. plugin of connect breaks onion ring idea/architecture of connect , makes (imho) code unreadable/brings unnecessary complexity.

authentification simple library. (if talking simple user login)

i'm using self written auth. can find simplified version below. depends on session-cookies can replaced persistant cookies.

a simple authentication connect

(it's complete. execute testing)

var connect = require('connect'); var urlpaser = require('url');  var authcheck = function (req, res, next) {     url = req.urlp = urlpaser.parse(req.url, true);      // ####     // logout     if ( url.pathname == "/logout" ) {       req.session.destroy();     }      // ####     // user validated?     if (req.session && req.session.auth == true) {       next(); // stop here , pass next onion ring of connect       return;     }      // ########     // auth - replace simple if database or file or whatever...     // if database, need async callback...     if ( url.pathname == "/login" &&  == "max" &&           url.query.pwd == "herewego"  ) {       req.session.auth = true;       next();       return;     }      // ####     // user not unauthorized. stop talking him.     res.writehead(403);     res.end('sorry unauthorized.\n\nfor login use: /login?name=max&pwd=herewego');     return; }  var helloworldcontent = function (req, res, next) {     res.writehead(200, { 'content-type': 'text/plain' });     res.end('authorized. walk around :) or use /logout leave\n\nyou @ '+req.urlp.pathname); }  var server = connect.createserver(       connect.logger({ format: ':method :url' }),       connect.cookieparser(),       connect.session({ secret: 'foobar' }),       connect.bodyparser(),       authcheck,       helloworldcontent );  server.listen(3000); 


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