android - Display synced contacts in HTC Sense -

i'm working on syncadapter add contacts webservice. working fine on emulator contacts doesn't show on htc desire running htc sense.

i've read sense needs "real" contacts "link" new 1 i'm pretty sure facebook sync application adds new contacts.

so know how can done? thanks.

ok, got working, have declare account in groups. here i've done :

contentproviderclient client = mcontext.getcontentresolver().acquirecontentproviderclient(contactscontract.authority_uri); contentvalues cv = new contentvalues(); cv.put(groups.account_name,; cv.put(groups.account_type, account.type); cv.put(settings.ungrouped_visible, true); client.insert(settings.content_uri.buildupon()     .appendqueryparameter(contactscontract.caller_is_syncadapter, "true")     .build(), cv); 


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