svn - What is the best way to use InstallShield together with Subversion? -

does know subversion client plug-in installshield?

suppose use tortoisesvn client on our setups-preparing pc. i’m interested know , how control multiple project builds.

installshield project, script directory files and/or corresponding data directory tree files changes build build. data directory tree our projects content 100 1.1 gb of binary , text files.

i see following options:

  • installshield project file, script directory corresponding data directory tree save in subversion repository;
  • installshield project file , script directory save in subversion repository. data directory tree versions save on file server because of large data size;
  • don’t use source control setup projects.

i use cvs our installshield setup, don't have anywhere near data do.

  • i keep .ism , setup.rul file in cvs, alongside product source code.
  • the entire tree checked out , copied on network build server.
  • the compile performed, , binary files , installer data files copied separate directory
  • the command-line installshield tool invoked, , setup generated.
  • the build results copied onto network share packaging.

one thing suggest making sure using xml-based .ism file format. it's bit larger on disk, works better source code management system. lets manually make changes file, seeing changed between versions.


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