Structure for big GWT project -


  • big project multi maven module or single maven module structure


  • did use multi-maven-module or single-maven-module structure?


if you've worked on big project had long development duration , contains lots of functionality(i.e. not trivial project), did choose split project multiple maven modules or went single-module approach?

for example, having multi-module structure, crashes when running maven commands mvn gwt:eclipse(see guess have worked single module gwt project. , there other commands above has issues multi-module structure.

however, multi-module structure bring benefits of faster development, i.e. if separate "server" "client" module, compile business logic(server) separately , package resulting web archive. compiling gwt code, takes 20 seconds, if modify server package, save lots of time in long run.

which other cases 1 above did encounter when working multi-module/single module project?

thank you!

a few notes:

  1. on development server don't have compile code "by hand": dev server compiles code automatically , reloads it. keep dev server running, change code , reload page in browser. (this true if change existing classes , don't change project structure)

  2. multiple maven modules have nothing multiple gwt modules.

  3. you want have multiple gwt modules (= multiple entry points) if have code executes in different environments: example have web , mobile sites have quite different code bases. split project 3 modules: web, mobile , common. you'd reference common in both web , mobile.

  4. another case multiple gwt modules if you, reason, want have multiple host (entry) html pages. there rare cases when you'd want this, example when need redirects when integrating openid. other case have existing web pages adding gwt add functionality.

  5. don't split gwt project multiple modules reduce download size: use code splitting instead.

  6. if main gripe long gwt compile times read: how speed gwt compiler?


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