php - Kohana - Views Within Views -

i have problem passing variables through views. but, first code

// enter url http://localhost/my_projects/blog/index/index // classes/controller/index.php class controller_index extends controller {     protected $rendered_view;      public function before()     {         $this->rendered_view = view::factory('index')                 ->set('head', view::factory('subpages/head')                                ->set('title', 'site title')                      )                 ->set('nav', view::factory('subpages/nav')                                ->set('title', 'site title')                      )                 ->set('header', view::factory('subpages/header')                                 ->set('h1', 'header h1')                      )                 ->set('sidebar', view::factory('subpages/sidebar')                                 ->set('h1', 'header h1')                      )                 ->set('content', view::factory('subpages/content')                                 ->set('h2', 'header h2')                                 ->set('content', 'some content')                      )                 ->set('footer', view::factory('subpages/footer')                                 ->set('footer', 'some footer')                      );     }      public function action_index()     {         $this->response->body($this->rendered_view);     } } 

and in view index pass variables default view:

// views/index.php echo view::factory('default')->set('head', $head); echo view::factory('default')->set('nav', $nav); echo view::factory('default')->set('header', $header); echo view::factory('default')->set('sidebar', $sidebar); echo view::factory('default')->set('content', $content); echo view::factory('default')->set('footer', $footer); 

and try in display view try "echo" variables:

// views/default.php echo $head;  echo $nav;  echo $header;  echo $sidebar;  echo $content;  echo $footer; 

and throw error:

errorexception [ 2 ]: file_put_contents(/some_path/application/logs/2011/02/23.php): failed open stream: permission denied ~ syspath/classes/kohana/log/file.php [ 81 ] 

if write that:

// views/default.php include kohana::find_file('views', 'default'); 

it display valid;

chmod 777 /some_path/application/logs/2011/02/23.php file , directory /some_path/application/logs/ recursively



// views/index.php echo view::factory('default') ->set('head', $head) ->set('nav', $nav) ->set('header', $header) ->set('sidebar', $sidebar) ->set('content', $content) ->set('footer', $footer); 


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