php - Custom PDO Class Fails Quietly -

for reason, custom pdo class fails write database. quietly fails - no error message thrown. similar custom pdo class (readpdo) works wonderfully reading database. sql statement generated works fine when it's queried db through phpmyadmin. i've double-checked user permissions, , seems in order.

i suspect i'm misunderstanding how works. ideas?

// creates write-only pdo, using config settings inc_default.php  class writepdo extends pdo{      public function __construct(){         //pull global db settings         global $db;         global $write_host;         global $write_username;         global $write_password;          try{             parent::__construct("mysql:dbname={$db};host={$write_host}", $write_username, $write_password);         } catch (pdoexception $e){             echo 'connection failed: ' . $e->getmessage();         }     } }  private function updateplayer(){     $conn = new writepdo();     $sql = "update {$this->hvz_db}         set          hvz_bitten      ='{$this->hvz_bitten}',         hvz_died        ='{$this->hvz_died}',         hvz_feedcode    ='{$this->hvz_feedcode}',         hvz_status      ='{$this->hvz_status}',         hvz_feeds       ='{$this->hvz_feeds}',         hvz_lastfed     ='{$this->hvz_lastfed}',         hvz_ozopt       ='{$this->hvz_ozopt}',         hvz_parent      ='{$this->hvz_parent}'         users_id  ={$this->id}";     $query = $conn->exec($sql); } 

the sql spits out follows:

update hvz_2011_spring set hvz_bitten ='', hvz_died ='', hvz_feedcode ='nomnom', hvz_status ='human', hvz_feeds ='0', hvz_lastfed ='', hvz_ozopt ='0', hvz_parent ='' users_id =1 

are sure sql correct?

the exec doesn't send error message.

try doing var_dump($conn->errorinfo()); after $conn->exec($sql);



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