php - codeigniter where to process sql result? -

class selectedmodel extends ci_model {      var $title   = 'selectedmodel';     var $content = 'get top n articles';     var $date    = '23.2.2011';      function __construct()     {         parent::__construct();     }      function gettoparticles()     {        $result = $this->db->query('select top 5 article articles;');        if( ! $result->num_rows() > 0 )            die('there no articles in db.');         return $result;     } }   class front extends ci_controller {      function __construct()     {         parent::__construct();     }      function index()     {         $this->load->database();         $this->load->helper(array('text', 'html'));         $this->load->model('selectedmodel');          // controller process data , validate         $top_articles = $this->selectedmodel->gettoparticles();         foreach($top_articles->result() $item)         {             $item->desc = character_limiter($item->desc, 75);             if( strlen($item->image) == 0 )                 $item->desc = '/images/default.png';          }           $data['title'] = 'title';         $data['random_articles'] = $top_articles;         $this->load->view('front', $data);     } } 

front view:

php foreach($random_articles->result() $item):     php echo $item->desc     php echo br() . $item->image php endforeach; 

i'm wondering if knowledge of mvc correct. in controller process data, prepare them show them in view. in view there room html/css code , echo $var.. model function data.

are there other approaches process data. way ok?

optimization issue: $top_articles = $this->selectedmodel->gettoparticles(); don't know how php manages line. i'm asking if $top_articles copy of gettoparticles, use twice many memory if use in view:

front view:

php foreach($random_articles->result() $item):     php echo character_limiter($item->desc, 75)     php echo br() . if( strlen($item->image) == 0 ) echo images/default.png''; else echo $item->image; php endforeach; 

but approach don't use mvc(using character_limit, .... in view).

i think got idea down. mvc approach doesn't mean better optimized.

generating data in model, passing controller, , view correct way this, though seem though view many lines of code.


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