How to create large PDF files (10MB, 50MB, 100MB, 200MB, 500MB, 1GB, etc.) for testing purposes? -

i tried for ((i=1; i<=10; i++)); convert 100mb.pdf 10mb.pdf 100mb.pdf; done create 100mb file run out of ram.

any ideas?

the simple tool: use pdftk (or pdftk.exe, if on windows):

pdftk 10_mb.pdf 100_mb.pdf cat output 110_mb.pdf 

this valid pdf. download pdftk here.

update: if want large (and valid!), non-optimized pdfs, use command:

pdftk 100mb.pdf 100mb.pdf 100mb.pdf 100mb.pdf 100mb.pdf cat output 500_mb.pdf 

or (if on linux, unix or mac os x):

pdftk $(for in $(seq 1 100); echo -n "100mb.pdf "; done) cat output 10_gb.pdf 


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