google maps - Android: Got right lat and long but markers are printed at the wrong place -

i'm fetching 's stores in "göteborg" , adding marker on mapview. problem code markers bunched in africa.

i've checked coordinates correct isnt that.

anyone know what's problem is?

    df = ((classhandler)getapplication()).getstoredatabadefacade();      cursor plotstore = df.getallstorepos("göteborg");     startmanagingcursor(plotstore);     plotstore.movetofirst();      while(plotstore.isafterlast() == false){          geopoint addstore = new geopoint(plotstore.getcolumnindex("lat"), plotstore.getcolumnindex("long"));         //overlayitem overlayitem = new overlayitem(addstore, plotstore.getstring(plotstore.getcolumnindex("_id")), plotstore.getstring(plotstore.getcolumnindex("address")));         overlayitem overlayitem = new overlayitem(addstore, plotstore.getstring(plotstore.getcolumnindex("_id")), plotstore.getstring(plotstore.getcolumnindex("address")));          itemizedstoreoverlay.addoverlay(overlayitem);         storeoverlays.add(itemizedstoreoverlay);         plotstore.movetonext();     } 

doesn't getcolumnindex return index of column within cursor, rather value @ index? seem using correctly id:


but not lat , long:


try changing (and "long") to:



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