convertToWorldSpace - cocos2d -

  • converttoworldspace

hi, i'm not sure understand how works. api states converts local coordinate world space.

let' have 3 sprites. spritea added scene , , spriteb added spritea. , spritec added spriteb.

- scene     - spritea         - spriteb             - spritec 

and want convert spritec origin world

if do: [self converttoworldspace:[spritec cgpointzero]];

or this: [spritea converttoworldspace:[spritec cgpointzero]];

or this: [spriteb converttoworldspace:[spritec cgpointzero]];

or [spritec converttoworldspace:[spritec cgpointzero]];

shouldn't give same answer since transformed world coordinates? or go 1 node space parent node space ...until world space.

what correct answer see spritec position in world coordinates?

to find world space origin on spritec, take sprites parent, in case spriteb , ask world space of child:

[spriteb converttoworldspace:[spritec cgpointzero]]; 


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