c# 4.0 - c# fill something on html page -

how can fill "myusername" on

<td width="18%" class="more"><div align="right">¿¿¿¿¿¿ </div></td>  <td width="82%">     <font color="#ffffff" face="ms sans serif, tahoma, sans-serif">         <input type=text name="qtitle" size=51 maxlength=100 class=violet>     </font> </td> 

i try in c# not work please help

private void webbrowser2_documentcompleted(object sender,                                             webbrowserdocumentcompletedeventargs e) {  }  private void loadprofileinformation() {     dataset dsnew = new dataset();      //some code fetch information if store in db      //else can put in static info if may want.      //so nto need dataset.        qtitle.text = "myusername";  } 

you can store in class access code behinds <%= myvar %> in front end.

if want modify values of divs on front end need use asp tags like

<asp:label runat="server" name="qtitle"> </asp:label> 


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