android - Force down error in a calculation app(use if/if else) -

i have created app user places numbers editexts , app making calcs , displays number..i have 7 lines editexts .but 7th editext optional user fill it(i added checkbox , if user select editext visible,else invisible..).i have strange problem code , have help..

firstly code:

 apostoli.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {                  private alertdialog show;                  public void onclick(view arg0) {                  if ((vprosvasis.gettext().tostring() == " ")                         || (vprosvasis.gettext().length() == 0)                         || (vprosvasis2.gettext().tostring() == " ")                         || (vprosvasis2.gettext().length() == 0)                         || (vprosvasis3.gettext().tostring() == " ")                         || (vprosvasis3.gettext().length() == 0)                         || (vprosvasis4.gettext().tostring() == " ")                         || (vprosvasis4.gettext().length() == 0)                         || (vprosvasis5.gettext().tostring() == " ")                         || (vprosvasis5.gettext().length() == 0)                         || (vprosvasis6.gettext().tostring() == " ")                         || (vprosvasis6.gettext().length() == 0)                   ) {                                  show = new alertdialog.builder(mcontext).settitle("error")                                                 .setmessage("symplirwste olous tous vathmous prosvasis")                                                 .setpositivebutton("ok", null).show();                          }                        else if (((vprosvasis7.gettext().tostring() != " ")                             || (vprosvasis7.gettext().length() != 0)))                 {                               float genikosvathmos = (float) (( new float(vprosvasis.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis7.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis2.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis3.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis4.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis5.gettext().tostring()) + new float(                             vprosvasis6.gettext().tostring())) / 7);                      float vprosvasisfloat = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis.gettext().tostring());                     float vprosvasisfloat2 = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis2.gettext().tostring());                     float vprosvasisfloat7 = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis7.gettext().tostring());                     float vprosvasisfloat5 = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis5.gettext().tostring());                      moria = (float) (((new float((genikosvathmos * 8)+ (vprosvasisfloat * 1.3)+ (vprosvasisfloat2 * 0.7)) * 100)));                     moria2 = (float) (((new float((genikosvathmos * 8)+ (vprosvasisfloat7 * 1.3)+ (vprosvasisfloat5 * 0.7)) * 100)));                      // toast.maketext(thetiki.this, "genikos vathmos"+moria ,                     // toast.length_short).show();                      // 1o pedio                     show = new alertdialog.builder(mcontext).settitle("moria")                     .setmessage(            "1o pedio:  " + moria + "\n2o pedio:  "                                             + moria + "\n3o pedio:  " + moria                                             + "\n4o pedio:  " + moria                                             + "\n5o pedio:  "+moria2)                             .setpositivebutton("ok", null).show();                  }                         else if ((vprosvasis.gettext().tostring()!= " ")                         || (vprosvasis.gettext().length() != 0)                         || (vprosvasis2.gettext().tostring() != " ")                         || (vprosvasis2.gettext().length() != 0)                         || (vprosvasis3.gettext().tostring() != " ")                         || (vprosvasis3.gettext().length() != 0)                         || (vprosvasis4.gettext().tostring() != " ")                         || (vprosvasis4.gettext().length() != 0)                         || (vprosvasis5.gettext().tostring() != " ")                         || (vprosvasis5.gettext().length() != 0)                         || (vprosvasis6.gettext().tostring() != " ")                         || (vprosvasis6.gettext().length() != 0)                         &&((vprosvasis7.gettext().tostring()== " ")                         || (vprosvasis7.gettext().length() == 0))                   )                  {                      float genikosvathmos = (float) ((new float(vprosvasis                             .gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis2.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis3.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis4.gettext().tostring())                             + new float(vprosvasis5.gettext().tostring()) + new float(                             vprosvasis6.gettext().tostring())) / 6);                                    float vprosvasisfloat = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis.gettext().tostring());                                  float vprosvasisfloat2 = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis2.gettext().tostring());                                    moria=(float) (((new float ((genikosvathmos*8)+(vprosvasisfloat * 1.3)+(vprosvasisfloat2 * 0.7))*100)));                                         // toast.maketext(thetiki.this, "genikos vathmos"+moria , toast.length_short).show();                             show = new alertdialog.builder(mcontext).settitle("moria")                              .setmessage("1o pedio:  "+moria+"\n2o pedio:  "+moria+"\n3o pedio:  "+moria+"\n4o pedio:  "+moria+"\n5o pedio:  -")                              .setpositivebutton("ok", null).show();                          }                   }           }); 

vprosvasis,vprosvasis2..etc number edittext.i have used 3 if/else.the first checks if 6 first editexts empty , if no there alert.the second check if vprosvasis7 not empty , make calculation.and finally,the third 1 want check if vprosvasis7 used , make new calc..this not working..specifically,the first if working,the second works two,but if havent filled 7th editext,the 3rd if stacks , forces down app..

your helpfull..


logcat when 7th editext empty , press btn 'apostoli'

02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739): fatal exception: main 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739): java.lang.numberformatexception:  02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ org.apache.harmony.luni.util.floatingpointparser.parsefloat( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ java.lang.float.parsefloat( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ java.lang.float.<init>( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @$8.onclick( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ android.view.view.performclick( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ android.view.view$ 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ android.os.handler.handlecallback( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ android.os.handler.dispatchmessage( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ android.os.looper.loop( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invokenative(native method) 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ java.lang.reflect.method.invoke( 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @$ 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ 02-23 23:51:27.234: error/androidruntime(5739):     @ dalvik.system.nativestart.main(native method) 02-23 23:51:27.249: warn/activitymanager(2944):   force finishing activity 02-23 23:51:27.300: info/(2944): dumpmesg > "/data/log/dumpstate_app_error.log" 

float vprosvasisfloat7 = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis7.gettext().tostring()); 

so, when edittext empty, you're calling float.parsefloat(""); empty string not valid float, float class throws exception.

check empty string before parsing.

if (vprosvasis7.gettext().tostring.equals("")) {     float vprosvasisfloat7 = float.parsefloat(vprosvasis7.gettext().tostring()); } 


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