scripting - Execute PHP files periodicaly -

the question easy, want execute several php files every "n" minutes. example:

every n minutes { execute(script1.php) execute(script2.php) execute(script3.php) }

i know crontab trying find solution. suggestions? in advance.

using cron job usual solution. can explain why don't want use cron? i've seen libraries add cron-like features system. example in java/groovy/grails world there's quartz library/plugin. quick google search yielded php library called phpjobscheduler seems similar quartz. have never used phpjobscheduler can't vouch it.

i'd interested in why don't want use crontabs this? going primary web operations person running server or relying on existing sysop team? may want input since ones impacted method choose. i've found tend fond of cron simple scheduling.


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